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SeaChange® 2030 Sustainability Update

Our aggressive sustainability goals are intended to drive meaningful improvements across the entire global seafood industry.

On April 22nd, 2025, we’ll celebrate the 55th anniversary of Earth Day! This annual event “calls upon individuals, businesses, governments, and the private sector to join hands in safeguarding our planet,” according to the Earth Day organization. We’re deeply committed to this mission, and our efforts are guided by SeaChange® 2030, the comprehensive sustainability strategy developed by our parent company, Thai Union North America.

Seafood sustainability: commitments

SeaChange® 2030, announced in 2023, significantly expands upon our company’s original sustainability strategy launched in 2016. The enhanced strategy features 11 interconnected goals designed to drive global impact for our people and our planet. From sourcing and production to how we engage with consumers and our communities, the commitments made in SeaChange® 2030 will shape our approach to sustainability across the board:

  • Responsible wild caught seafood – 100% wild caught seafood produced responsibly under implemented best practices to prevent unregulated fishing and modern-day slavery
  • Path to net zero emissions – a 42% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (from the 2021 baseline) by 2030 and net zero by 2050
  • Ecosystem restoration – an investment for the protection and restoration of critical ecosystems
  • Safe, decent, & equitable work – meet current industry best practices in welfare and working conditions with 50% of management positions held by women
  • Best-in-class manufacturing – implement zero water discharge, zero waste to landfill, and zero food loss at our five largest processing facilities
  • Sustainable packaging – 100% of branded products in sustainable packaging by 2025, advocating for at least 60% of private label products in sustainable packaging by 2030
  • Ocean plastics reduction – divert 1500 tons of ocean-bound plastic from our waterways and oceans through avoidance, mitigation, and removal
  • Health & nutrition – 100% of branded ambient products meet our nutritional guidelines that promote health and wellness
  • Corporate citizenship – donating more than $7 million (U.S. dollars) for community-based programs on health & well-being, education, and disaster relief

Our aggressive sustainability goals are intended to drive meaningful improvements across the entire global seafood industry.

FIPs, MSC-certified

“Did you know that Chicken of the Sea’s parent company, Thai Union North America, has already made significant progress on a commitment that tuna fisheries they source from are engaged in Fisheries Improvement Projects (FIPs) towards MSC certification, are in MSC assessment, or are MSC certified?” explains the SeaChange® website.

A Fisheries Improvement Project (FIP) is a “multi-stakeholder effort to improve fishing practices and management so that species, habitats, and people can all thrive,” explains the World Wildlife Fund. “Adoption of a FIP ensures a fishery is working towards uniform, global standards,” explains the Tunaversity course, Sourcing Sustainable Seafood.

MSC certified fish is wild caught fish that has been certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) as sustainable. This certification and labeling program for wild-caught seafood demonstrates that a fishery meets international best practices for sustainable fishing, explains the Marine Stewardship Council website.

Thai Union is ranked No. 1 on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices for 2024 and has been listed for 11 consecutive years. The company also ranks No. 1 on the Seafood Stewardship Index for Sustainability out of the world’s top 30 seafood companies. Thai Union is regarded as one of the world’s leading seafood producers and is one of the largest producers of shelf-stable tuna products. We are proud to be leading the way towards sustainability for the global seafood market

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