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Seafood Packets Drive Summer Sales

Shelf-stable seafood packets are a healthful, portable snack that can drive health-driven foodservice sales.

For many Americans, the grab’n’go trend is now a lifestyle, as explained in the Tunaversity course, Inside Consumer Demand. Enter the appeal of shelf-stable seafood packets. They’re a healthful, portable snack that can drive foodservice sales.

The traditional, sit-down mealtime is waning, and consumers’ eating schedules are more loose than ever. More people are working remotely, and consumers are seeking control over “ever-more-hectic and variable lifestyles,” according to Cargill. Only a little more than half of consumers eat meals at regularly scheduled times, and 43% of consumers say “they eat what they want when they want it,” they add.

Protein on the go

The International Food Information Council (IFIC) 2023 Food & Health Survey found that among that roughly half of American adults who follow a special diet or eating pattern, the top pattern is high-protein eating.

Combine that with fluid, fast-moving lifestyles, and you have a recipe for foodservices sales—slim seafood packets that are easy to pack in a backpack or purse…shelf-stable packets ready for consumers at the moment hunger strikes.

Protein is especially important to many consumers as they choose snacks. Sales of snacks with a protein claim grew significantly from 2022 to 2023, according to Lu Ann Williams (Prepared Foods, Jan. 10, 2024), and 60% of global consumers say they eat a healthy snacks at least once a day.

Increasingly, snacks replace meals. Mondelez found that about six out of 10 consumers said they are eating a snack instead of a meal at breakfast, lunch, or dinner; the finding was consistent across dayparts.

“The loose snack-meal distinction and snacking-oriented lifestyles create opportunities for foodservice operators to build their revenues,” explains the Inside Consumer Demand course.

Seafood health halo

For those seeking nutritious snack options, seafood holds appeal for both its protein and omega-3 values. Two out of three consumers is aiming to eat more protein today, says the IFIC. Consumers regard protein as healthful, and many want it from seafood. Almost one-quarter of consumers are choosing more seafood today, says the IFIC.

Unique flavors are also a key motivator for snacking choices, says Cargill. This aligns with the Mondelez finding that a sense of adventure can motivate snacking choices.

Seafood packet options

Chicken of the Sea Light Tuna packets are available in fun flavors, such as lemon garlic, Thai sweet and spicy, and McCormick dill tuna salad. Salmon lovers will enjoy maple smokehouse salmon, pink salmon with lemon pepper, and pink salmon with everything bagel seasoning. Did you know that everything bagel seasoning is a top flavor for 2024, as ranked in the National Restaurant Association’s What’s Hot survey?

Protein values of 11-16g per packet and a range of flavor temptations keeps the seafood experience exciting for foodservice customers. Some may buy a packet to add to a salad. Some may grab a tuna or salmon packet in place of a meal. Some may add a packet to the meal order for a snack later on.

Seafood packets from Chicken of the Sea offer the advantages of shelf-stable inventory and space-efficient display. Just in time for summer—discover the versatile appeal of tuna and salmon packets, and boost your revenues with Chicken of the Sea.

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